Project Level 1

Course Description

Delegates will get the most out of this course if they want to learn how to use Microsoft Project to assist them with project management. Some project management experience and familiarity with terms such as Gantt Chart, Task, Critical Path and Resource would be useful. No knowledge of Microsoft Project is assumed.

Course Content

Lesson 1: Introduction to Project Management
Fundamentals of Project Management
Defining the Scope of the Project
Developing the Project Schedule
Assigning Project Resources
Saving the Project Baseline
Controlling Project Execution

Lesson 2: Starting a Project
Examining Microsoft Project
An Overview of the Planning Process
Defining Project Information

Lesson 3: Outlining and Task Relationships
Organizing the Task List into an Outline
Linking Tasks and Observing the Critical Path
Modifying Task Relationships

Lesson 4: Adding and Assigning Resources
Creating and Assigning a Base Calendar
Entering and Assigning Resources
Working with Project Costs

Lesson 5: Analyzing the Project
Resolving Time Restrictions
Resolving Resource Conflicts

Lesson 6: Displaying Project Data
Exploring Views
Generating Project Reports
Using Drawing Tools

Lesson 7: Sorting and Filtering Data
Sorting Project Data
Filtering Project Data
Creating Custom Filters

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Computers for Beginners

or equivalent knowledge.

Course Duration

7.5 hours

Study Methods Available

Individual Tuition

Group Training

Distance Learning


Distance Learning price
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Follow-on Courses

Project Level 2

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